About AidgoTech

At AidgoTech, we understand the struggles faced by differently abled individuals, elderly, and patients who lack safe transportation options. Our mission is to provide aidless self-reliance by offering high-quality electric wheelchairs. We believe that everyone deserves the freedom to move independently and perform daily tasks without limitations. With our rechargeable lithium battery technology, we ensure long-lasting power and reliability. Contact us today to learn more about our products and how they can enhance your mobility.

Our principles


woman in pink shirt riding on black and red wheel chair
woman in pink shirt riding on black and red wheel chair



chrome multi spoke wheel with tire
chrome multi spoke wheel with tire

Providing cost-effective solutions for differently abled individuals, ensuring accessibility for all.

Prioritizing the well-being of our customers by offering reliable and secure electric wheelchairs.

Enabling independence and self-reliance for differently abled individuals, empowering them to live life on their own terms.

Dr. R.D. Daruwala

Ashok Mujmule

Dr. Chetan P. Kamble

Meet the best team ever

Co-Founder & CTO

Co-Founder & CPO


Dhanshree Thulkar

Co-Founder & CEO

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